DIY Citrus Infused Vinegar for Cleaning in Mason Jars how to.

DIY Citrus Infused Vinegar for Cleaning in Mason Jars

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How To
April 17, 2023 by reCAP®
Many natural cleaning recipes for your home include vinegar. If you don't love the way vinegar smells that can be an issue so we will show you how to make it smell pleasant. Vinegar’s cleaning power comes from its acidity and that acidity helps dissolve mineral deposits from glass, some countertops, and refrigerators. All you need for a basic all purpose spray is vinegar and water. You can infuse the vinegar to make it an even better more effective cleaner that smells wonderful. There are many different infusions you can make from clove and citrus to herbs. We'll stick with the basics today.
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Citrus Infused Vinegar for Cleaning

Supplies needed:

  • Pint or Quart Mason Jar
  • Citrus Peels
  • Distilled white vinegar


  1. Fill the jar with citrus peels, we used lemon and lime peels.
  2. Top the jar with vinegar making sure all peels are submerged. Give it a good shake,
  3. Keep on your counter for 2 to 7 days, shaking each day.
  4. When the vinegar is ready, strain out the infused materials.
  5. To make an all purpose cleaning spray use a 1 to 1 ratio of distilled water and infused cleaning vinegar.
Mix and match what you want to infuse with vinegar. For a fresh pine scent collect a few small pine branches and submerge them in vinegar. Herbs and spices also work well for infusions.

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