Our Oceans, Our Future

At reCAP® Mason Jars, we encourage solutions to eliminate plastic pollution and prevent marine litter for a healthier ocean and a better future. Plastic is uniquely problematic because it’s not biodegradable and therefore sticks around for a lot longer (up to 1,000 years longer!) than other forms of trash. And we're not just talking about people dumping their garbage overboard. Around 80 percent of marine litter actually originates on land—either swept in from the coastline or carried to rivers from the streets during heavy rain via storm drains and sewer overflows.

One of the best things we can do to protect our ocean is trying to keep as much plastic as possible out of it in the first place. With just a few small actions, you can have a big impact!

How you can reduce the world’s plastic waste by using reCAP:

1. Ditch the plastic water bottles and use a reCAP® POUR and Mason jar instead. Limit buying soap, shampoo, and other self-care items that come in plastic bottles. Save money and make DIY, chemical-free options:

A jelly jar + reCAP® FLIP makes a convenient lotion, bath salt, or balm container.

A pint jar+ reCAP® Adapta Pump works well for soaps.

2. Reduce plastic waste from household cleaner containers. Make your own DIY cleaning solutions! 

3. Buy In Bulk. Buy items such as coffee grounds, sugar, pastas, cereals, in bulk. You can easily store them with our reCAP® FLIP and POUR lids! Large Mason jars work well for storage, while a pint jar works best for items used more frequently.

4. Other ideas:

Substitute Plastic Baggies for Mason jars. Instead of using sandwich bags for trail mixes and snacks, use a reCAP® FLIP cap and a Mason jar!

Bring your own reusable utensils with you to restaurants and barbecues.